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Shining The Light On Good Intentions:

Updated: Jun 8, 2021

The Enneagram’s Usefulness in Uncovering Hidden Agendas

converting vice to virtue on the path of personal transformation

photo by OSPAN ALI on

Have you ever felt really worn out from trying so hard? Some days it can feel like we are perpetually treading water. We all have our blind spots, masked as good intentions, that keep us kicking in one place. Most often these “good” intentions are actually the hidden ways that we try to get our needs met, rather than connecting to our Essential Nature and going with the Flow. In other words, instead of focusing on maintaining a calm, curious mind, an open heart, and a relaxed body, we try to play God.

According to enneagram theory, in order to ride the waves, rather than struggle in one place, we must first recognize the Essential qualities and virtues that are present when we are going with the Flow and also become aware of the subtle ways that we resist going with the Flow. Here is a snapshot of each enneagram type’s Essential quality and virtue, as well as how they sabotage the manifestation of these elements.


Type Two, when going with the Flow, role models unconditional love. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type two believes that they have to seek validation in the process of giving, so they focus on being important to others and feel a sense of entitlement when others do not appreciate them or reciprocate. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent freedom in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is humility.

Type Three, when going with the Flow, role models fundamental value. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type three believes that they have to seek basic validation, so they focus on making a good impression through being what others want them to be and endless striving. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent harmony and hope in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is authenticity.

Type Four, when going with the Flow, role models individual significance. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type four believes that they have to seek validation from others, so they focus on what is missing and their own sense of deficiency. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent belonging in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is equanimity.

Type Five, when going with the Flow, role models clarity. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type five believes that they have to create security in self-sufficiency, so they focus on obtaining knowledge and detaching from engagement. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent omniscience in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is non-attachment/full participation.

Type Six, when going with the Flow, role models faith. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type six believes that they have to create basic security, so they focus on doubt and preparing for the worst case scenario. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent strength in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is courage.

Type Seven, when going with the Flow, role models joy. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type seven believes that they have to create security in the process of living, so they focus on planning and anticipation. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent design and wisdom in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is contentment.

Type Eight, when going with the Flow, role models vital innocence. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type eight believes that they have to control others, so they focus on justice and fairness. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent non-dual truth in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is mercy.

Type Nine, when going with the Flow, role models inner peace. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type nine believes that they have to resist influence and maintain control, so they focus on avoiding stress and conflict and conserving energy. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent preciousness and belovedness in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is loving action.

Type One, when going with the Flow, role models integrity. When they are reacting from their conditioning, type one believes that they have to control the process, so they focus on reforming things and feel frustrated when others do not recognize their efforts. The antidote for this perceived need is to recognize that there is an inherent perfection in the unfolding of Essential Being. In this recognition is serenity.

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1 Comment

Lyn Doucet
Jun 07, 2021

This is great, Ani!

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