an advent reflection on Matthew 5:14-16

photo by Amelie & Niklas Ohlrogge on
Love, shine in us!
Dear One,
I am writing to remind you of things you already know. You are a vessel of Love and Light in the world. You are a necessary note in Love’s great symphony.
This season of hope is the occasion for you to shed any limiting beliefs about your worthiness and value. Your life has meaning simply in the fact that you exist. Look around. Every blade of grass has a right to be here and serves a unique purpose, and so it is with you. Open your heart and your hands today to love and be loved. As you bless the world, you are blessed in return.
Remember, this moment is an opportunity to connect to Love, and therefore, to live into the fullness of who you are.
As always, do what best awakens you to love,
Your Inner Wisdom