Poems From The Porch

The idea of being worthy or of deserving things
is only relevant to those who do not understand
that we all have a seat at the banquet of life
because the Author of our feast has invited us to the table.
There is nothing we can do to earn our place,
to make ourselves eligible or in any way procure our spot.
We don’t need to know the right people,
make the grade,
have a certain talent or skill,
or meet a minimum level of experience to qualify.
Our only task is to show up with an empty plate,
devoid of any attempts to direct the cook or manage the banquet,
to say a resounding, “Yes!” to the abundance of the offering
in all humility and gratitude for the gift.
Do you understand?
We are all entitled by invitation,
not by earning or striving or competing.
Doesn’t sound very American, does it?