Poems From The Porch
Robin red breast hopping in the yard
Blue jay observing from a limb
Woodpecker persistently drilling for attention
Distant sounds intermingling with the tinkling of chimes
Yet I am enveloped in the stillness of silence
Sun reassuring warmth on my shoulders
Heartbeat slowing
Recollecting myself from the morning’s activities,
now completed
Been early to the store
Gumbo cooking on the stove
My prayer time delayed, by necessity
Drinking deeply of breath
Closing my eyes
Feeling my way into this present moment
The ineffable arising
in the space now exposed
by a willing heart,
vulnerably ripe and tender
To sit and let go,
and to keep on releasing
until my hands and pocket
and every laden little crevice
are open to receive
what is here and now being offered
Connecting to the beauty and simplicity
of nothing required,
a channel,
not a vessel,
for Love’s eternal extravagance