Poems From The Porch
There is a particular joy felt when being outside,
a freshness,
an aliveness,
a potential.
It reminds me that we live inside little containers
designed to protect us from heat and cold,
and it makes me wonder about the intangible boxes
that we create to ward off perceived threat.
Venturing outside,
stepping away from the little holding cell of my own making,
frees me from the walls that I use to bracket
the fullness of myself.
My own authenticity is the key
that unlocks the door.
Today there is a low mist
moving dreamily across the horizon,
a soft, unobtrusive presence
soon to disappear.
The lasting impression left by the mist
will be in its contribution to all things growing,
an indication that there are no things in and of themselves.
Relationship is the defining characteristic of all that is,
and Love is giving me the opportunity in this moment
to cast aside my false security
and breathe into the vitality of that which is outside.
After all, I am but a mist
and will one day evaporate.
My time to show up is now.