an advent reflection on Matthew 5:9

photo by Joanna Kosinska on
Love, your peace reign in our hearts!
Dear One,
I am writing to remind you of things you already know. Peace is not the absence of difficulties in your life, but rather having faith in the power of Love, no matter how things appear. Being disconnected from Love within you creates strife. When you are focused on feelings of insecurity and thoughts of lack, you create your own suffering.
Today is the occasion to be a peacemaker by trusting the process of Love and giving consent to your role in it. No matter how bleak things look, there is always hope, for nothing is impossible with Love. Blessed are you when you make peace with yourself by having faith in the power of Love.
Remember, this moment is an opportunity to connect to Love, and therefore, to live into the fullness of who you are.
As always, do what best awakens you to love,
Your Inner Wisdom