Positive Mental Health

photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash.com
Self-Forgiveness Practice
I acknowledge that I was doing the best I could with the knowledge I had.
Even though I think that I could have chosen differently, I recognize that I was blinded by my own attachments and insecurities, even if I am not presently aware of what those particular attachments and insecurities were.
I am not excusing myself for my unskillful behavior, but I am choosing to take myself out of the “bad box” and open my heart of compassion for myself.
I choose to see my experience of this unskillful action as an opportunity to move forward connected to Love.
I am now open to forgiving myself for not meeting my own expectations of perfection or how I “should” behave.
As I learn to see the innocence in myself, I automatically recognize this innocence in others when they act unskillfully.
I acknowledge that I am not defined by my past behavior.
I see this moment as an opportunity to connect to my values and integrity, the Love within me.
With this understanding, I do whatever best awakens me to Love.
Forgiving Others Practice
I acknowledge that _______ was doing the best they could with the knowledge they had.
Even though I think that _______ could have chosen differently, I recognize that they were blinded by their own attachments and insecurities, even if I am not presently aware of what those particular attachments and insecurities were.
I am not excusing _________’s behavior, but I am choosing to take ________ out of the “bad box” and open my heart of compassion for _____________.
I choose to see my experience of ________’s unskillful action as an opportunity to move forward connected to Love.
I am now open to forgiving __________ for not meeting my expectations of perfection or how they “should” behave.
As I learn to see the innocence in myself, I automatically recognize this innocence in others when they act unskillfully.
I acknowledge that__________ is not defined by their past behavior.
I acknowledge that I am also not defined by ___________'s unskillful behavior.
I take care of myself by doing what I need to do to feel safe.
I see this moment as an opportunity to connect to my values and integrity, the Love within me.
With this understanding, I do whatever best awakens me to Love.