Rev. Ani

Apr 18, 20232 min

Taking a Risk

Poems From The Porch

Bird’s homey-home nestled in the camellia bush
Sky releasing soft tears
Rooster adamantly calling all to awaken
Soprano melodies emanating from unseen sources
Yellow wildflowers glowing neon under the opaque cloud dome
Honeysuckle blooming and fragrant
Lavishly green wisteria spreading without blossoms
Abundant buds on magnolia and gardenia
White and orange-red mums opening in spring
Gladiolus showing potential
Blue jay pecking the ground near the porch
Doesn’t he see the cats?
I think he does, and this makes me smile.
He’s living dangerously, taking a risk.
Security is an illusion anyway.
I’m taking a risk, too,
by committing to making myself happy today,
prioritizing my happiness.
After all, I owe it to the world,
for I was born to be the highest version of myself.
And after decades of searching,
I finally found the how-to manual on life.
Here it is, in case you, too, are searching for that treasure.
Turn the page and read:
“Be kind to yourself.”

Engaging With The Poem

Poetry can be a doorway to the soul and your own creativity. Throughout the ages, the written word has been used as a means to access personal truth and as a vehicle for prayer through the practice of sacred reading (lectio divina). I encourage you to try this beautiful practice and let its truths to be self-evident.

How To Practice Sacred Reading


READ the passage through slowly more than once, noticing how it feels in your body and the response of your heart.

REFLECT: What word resonates with you? What phrase speaks to you? What overall personal meaning comes to you? Allow yourself to follow a tangent.

RESPOND by making space for the prayer of your heart to manifest. Write down the words and/or phrases that resonate with you, and allow them to arrange themselves into your own poem or prayer.

REST with your eyes closed, perhaps using the word that most resonates with you as your mantra for silent meditation.

Dear friend,

May your mind be peaceful and calm,
may your body be relaxed and comfortable,
and may your heart be filled with love.

Thank you for reading.

Blessings and gratitude,