Rev. Ani

Aug 7, 20212 min

Honoring, Cherishing, & Grieving

Poems From The Porch

The swoop and dive of the flock of white birds in the distance

seems in contrast to the stillness of the air.

It is an unseasonably cool August morning in south Louisiana,

and the crickets are providing a steady hum

for the intermittent caw of the crow and cock-a-doodle-doo of the rooster.

My body is finally relaxed after days of incessant writing,

an energy coursing through my small frame

inviting me to access and process the grief long-buried.

It was like looking through a photo album

and taking some of the pictures out for closer inspection,

a tearful endeavor that required perseverance.

Touching the images was a way of honoring the people who are depicted and affirming,

“Your presence made a meaningful difference in my life.”

It reminds me that the gifts they bestowed are intangible and unique,

never to be repeated by any other being,

and eternal.

And it reinforces for me the preciousness of every life

and all manifestations of the Great We.

So I am rocking and resting in the tranquil comfort of knowing that all is well

and feeling grateful for the contribution of my one little life.

Engaging With The Poem

Poetry can be a doorway to the soul and your own creativity. Throughout the ages, the written word has been used as a means to access personal truth and as a vehicle for prayer through the practice of sacred reading (lectio divina). I encourage you to try this beautiful practice and let its fruits be self-evident.

How to Practice Sacred Reading


Read the passage through slowly more than once, noticing how it feels in your body and the response of your heart.

Reflect: What word resonates with you? What phrase speaks to you?
What overall personal meaning comes to you? Allow yourself to follow a tangent.

Respond by making space for the prayer of your heart to manifest. Write down the words and/or phrases that resonate with you and allow them to arrange themselves into your own poem or prayer.

Rest with your eyes closed, perhaps using the word that most resonates with you as your mantra for silent meditation.

Dear friend,

May your mind be peaceful and calm,
may your body be relaxed and comfortable,
and may your heart be filled with love.

Thank you for reading.

Blessings and gratitude,
